Metroid Prime 2 Echoes (GC) (gamerip) (2004)

It's original and a pleasure to listen to.
It really sounds like the artist took there time and thought out some really classic music.
I would and will listen to this driving in my car.

Go nintendo!
Not bad, but I still prefer the first Metroid Prime music, and I say this because I played both games.
This one simply lacks something the other had...
Even so it's very good.
This Soundtrack is yet another addition to an large and great selection of music by Nintendo! This has been said before, but, the first Metroid was easily better in terms of music. Still rocks though :D
good music, that's all I've got to say
hasn't left my playlist
you should check metroid prime 3, very good music and the instruments don't sound so fake as in twilight princess
Personally I think all of the soundtracks for all three games are awesome, and this actually did improve over the first, but it lacks the same dark, sinister, lonely feeling you get from the first Metroid Prime.
Awesome video game...awesome soundtrack. I'd give it a 9 out of 10 simply because the 10 would have to go to Prime 1
After being slightly underwhelmed by MP3:C in the "omg this song ... is ... amazing" department, Echoes seems to shine all the more. All of it is so very atmospheric, just as Metroid should be.
I can't even explain to you, the twinkle in my eye as I stepped into Sanctuary Fortress for the first time ^_^ ... just wow. Best of the best.
Nintendo dished out all they could on this soundtrack, and it realy sounds like it! I can't stop listening to this! The Torvus Bog one cheers me up after my long day ^.^
I like all three of the Metroid Prime series soundtracks. MP2 just seems to be darker than the others while MP1 makes you think of the glory the Chozo had before they were gone and also the amount of power Phazon has. Metroid Prime 3 was good in that it was Samus' first game onn the Wii but there were only a few songs on there that I really liked.
It is a pleasure to listen to Echoes's soundtrack. The fact that I can't get past that damn wasp monster is the reason I won't give it a ten.
I prefer the Watery brinstar theme from super metroid and the drifts from metroid prime echoes is has a nice soundtrack but primes soundtrack is better
great music this type of music is rare, i enjoy ti But... i connot get past the ing in the arena were you use the morph ball to enter. is the reason i am tired fo that track in that area.
Definently the darker of the three primes. I do think the first has has a better selection; however, this one has a select mood that makes you feel the atmosphere of the game, even when you're not playing it. And that even goes for people who have never played the game. You can visualize what may be happening in the game just by listening to the music.
amazing music but the download page will not come up. i have the same problem with the metroid prime official sound track too and am unable to email the webmaster. as soon as my email is fixed, i will send an error report, but until then, i cannot do anything.