Shadow of the Beast 2 (FM Towns) (gamerip) (1993)

The instrumentation on this is insane and possibly the best I've seen for this era and this is the album I've best seen so far utilize the FM Town's synth, which is funny because it's a port. The guitar on Title Screen roars, the crystal sound and jingle in Ishran's Guardhouse adds a mystic feeling, while Barloom's Lair starts with the soft growling of a monster followed by this numinous ambience. It's just all very talented. The ambience is just all around exceptional. While not everyone may be in the mood for an ambience album, for what this sets out to do, it's a 10/10.

Great: Barloom's Lair, Ishran's Guardhouse, Karamoon Oasis II, Staff Roll
Also Good:
Title Screen, Karamoon Oasis I
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