Ever 17 - The Out of Infinity (Windows) (gamerip) (2002)

I'm so glad this finally got uploaded! It's such a great soundtrack and it deserves love and appreciation... Thank you so much for this!
Another great album by KID, hitting a wide range of sounds. There's dreamy tracks (13), spooky tracks (15), horror tracks (17), and dirty tracks (5). There are also a few vocal tracks (27-30) that are also fair enough. Everything is high quality. 9.25/10.

In my opinion,
Best Tracks: Weisser Hund (11), Drittes Auge (19), Der Mond Das Meer (24), Je nach (26, wait for 1:04)
Also Good: Ersteboden (4), Zweitestock (5), Lemurianische Ruine (7), Komisher Wol (8), Karussel Delphine (10), Wiedergeburt (22)