Littlest Pet Shop: City Friends + Beach Friends + Country Friends (DS) (gamerip) (2009)

Here's the list of track names thanks again to the user on Youtube who uploaded the tracks in there:
  • Title Screen - Music Main Menu
  • Beach - Music Beach Intro, A, B, C, D, E, F
  • Downtown (Midtown) - Music World Jungle
  • Country - Music Country
  • Uptown - Music Skytown
  • Shop/Dress Up - Music Accessory A, B, C, D
  • Minigame Theme 1 - Music Traybalance A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
  • Minigame Theme 2 - Music Cakebake A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K
  • Minigame Theme 3 - Music Mg Icecream
  • Minigame Theme 4/Caterpillar Intro - Music Mg Coloring A, B, C
  • Tail Spin Techno (Beats N Bops) - Music Dance 1 Intro, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, End (Music is from a theme named "Tek Dance" from the album TEK DANCE by Kosinus Production Music Library - Kosinus, artists who made it is Laurent Michel Lombard.)
  • Pop N Rox Pet Shop (Beats N Bops) - Music Dance 3 Loop (Music is from a theme named "Girl Rules" from the album POP GLITZ by Bruton Music, artists who made it are Mike Wilkie and Matthew Robert Corbett. Girl Rules also got used in Ratchet and Clank: Crack in Time as one of the music in the Groovitron.)
  • Shake Wag Disco (Beats N Bops) - Music Dance 4 Loop (Music is from a theme named "Sweet Beat" from the album Kids R Cool (Bre 10), artists who made it are Chris Slack and Steve Johnson.)
The Best Friends Cutscene theme is missing in here.

Reused tracks from Garden, Jungle, Winter, and Spring (Though the tracks aren't here, I've seen two videos in the Friends Soundtrack on Youtube are the same ones from the previous game):
  • Beats N Bops - Music Groove
  • "You won ... Kibble!" - Music Mini Game Win
Unfortunately, the person who uploaded the Friends soundtrack forgot the "Music Singing" tracks whatever they're actually called in-game. So I can't tell what are the track names for them.