Spark the Electric Jester 2 (Windows, Xbox One) (gamerip) (2019)

Thanks for uploading this. Quick note, there's a few errors. As of writing, the uploaded tracks use their internal file names, rather than their actual in-game names. In order of appearance in the game, they are:
C Vs Fark Loop -> Title Theme
Fark School Mastered 4 -> Fark School
Fm City Heroes V14 -> F.M City
World Map
*World Map Intro & World Map Loop can be excluded*
Fm Downtown -> F.M Downtown
C Special Boss1 -> Boss Fight
C Special Boss 1 Loop -> Boss Fight NoVocals
C Special Boss 1 Loop Vox -> Boss Fight Vocals
3Floria Highway -> Floria Highway
Floria Plant Mastered 3 -> Floria Plant
Floresta Blanca
Castela Blanca V3 (Loop) -> Castela Blanca
Fark Boss Ogg Landino -> Float Fight
Fark The Electric Jester Shantoria Town Amp -> Shantoria Town
Technoria City
Boss Fight -> Special Boss Fight
Terminal Dragon Remastered 2 -> Terminal Dragon
Scaria Stropolis Mastered 2 -> Scaria Stropolis
Spark 2 Tower -> Titanic Tower
Fark Stage Master Loop -> Planetary Stripe
B Stage 15 Loop -> Hyperath Fleet
Fark Fortresszone Loop -> Apocalypse Thruster
C Final Final Boss Full -> Freom MK3 Fight (Ver 1.0)
D Credits Full -> Credits

Also the track "C Final Final Boss Full" is from version 1.0 of the game, and has since been replaced with a new track, seen as "Fark_FinalBoss wav" in the games files, and should likely be included as "Freom MK 3 Fight".

Hope that helped! Have a wonderful day!