KING'S FIELD original besttrack (2001)

I remember the original Kings Field game for the PS1, and it was quite a game, my favorite RPG of all time, actually. It would never have stacked up to todays modern games, but it always gives me that thrill and chill every time I play it, just as it did way back when I first played it as a kid. This album contains not just all of the music of the game, but all the memories I have of it as well. This is a great album, and I highly recommend it to anyone who's ever played any of the Kings Field games.
When I was a gamer in my prime years, King's Field was my all time favorite rpg game. All for the soundtrack and the experience that mystified a thrilling adventure. The King's Field games will always be one of my favorites! I've been looking long and wide for the soundtrack... and at last I found it!!
The first King's Field Game on the first Playstation back in 1996 was really awesome for me back then. It was the first 3D RPG I ever played and I found the whole atmosphere, the music, the whole look of the game to be something I still think of with great fondness. Yes, the game was a little slow, especially compared to today's games, but that didn't matter. I really hope FROM software makes another King's Field game. I am glad the FROM company is still going and is having great success with their Demon Souls and Dead Souls games. Thanks for this music that brings back good memories - Chris, July 2016