Pretty good, but I really wish that it included the bgms up until at least the 200s.

I think right now we're up to about 226, including the new stuff by Warren and Worspace instead of SoundTEmP
Thanks for the download!!!!! Estaba buscando esta OST hace ya bastante tiempo, y ahora la he encontro!!!!

Ragnarok Online was the first MMORPG I ever played, and entering Prontera with that theme playing, or being in the "newb" area with that encouraging music always made me feel amazed at this game, with all the other players I could group with as a Priest. ;]

Even though my time ended on Ragnarok Online about 2~3 years ago, it will always hold a place in my memory as the game that started me off gaming with MMORPGs and RPGs in general, even now, listening back at the music, makes me rekindle the memories of enjoyment and curiousity as I learnt and adventured in a new world. End of: Thanks for putting this up so I can download to listen to more often. :]

Onto the actual downloading, it is rather annoying to have to click and download 50 links indvidually, but all the same, it's understandable why that is done. Thanks again for putting this up.
Ragnarok was my first mmorpg and indian ragnarok online by level up games was papular at the time of 2004 to 2008 and after that company got closed becoz of some financial issue but recharge cards and t shirts and manY gifts which i got will be my memorable memento and the ost which i have downloaded here is awsome and original one
I'm very excited to play ragnarok until now.. this is my first MMORPG I've played in IdRO.. and I played many private server (sevenRO, celticRO, and many more).. this soundtrack still the best for me.. very relaxing music.. I love peaceful forest.. love you all my friend..

Reg ards,
De Blues/Artanis