Princess Maker 2 (FM Towns) (gamerip) (1994)

This is an all-around amazing soundtrack. The music is generally warm, catchy and nostalgic but knows how descend into some exciting rock. The FM Towns also has the best instrumentation out of all the systems as well, with its richer instrumentation compared against the midi-sounding Windows and the more digital PC-98 renditions. My only complaint about this album is that despite how amazing it is, the guitar in the best tracks can sound a bit harsh, but they're so enjoyable anyways that you just ignore it and jam on. Overall, 10/10.

Just listen to the album, but if you want select favorites:
Awesome: Battle, Fighting Exhibition, Martial-arts Bout
Also Great:
Profile Determination, Opening 2, Main Screen (All of them), Part-time Job, Knight-errantry, Monster Encounter (Warning), People Encounter, Mountain Vacation, Rest, Cooking Competition, Mystery (Event), House Visitor (Event), Ending