Windows XP (Windows) (gamerip) (2001)

It might be weird to see something like this on the site, but in my opinion it being here is no worse than having Wii background music or PSP sounds etc.
Hey there! I just wanted to chime in on this amazing Windows XP gamerip album. I remember back in the day, playing all my favorite games on that OS and the soundtracks were just top-notch. I had a bit of a hiccup with my Windows XP system a while back, but I was able to solve the problem by reinstalling Windows. I even upgraded to Windows 10 after reading the article "Windows 10 activation key for upgrade" and it was the best decision I ever made. The system is so much more stable and faster, and I can still enjoy all my favorite games with amazing soundtracks. Thanks for sharing this album, it brings back so many memories!
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Many of these sound effects are people's childhood. Windows XP was a gaming platform like the operating systems of dedicated videogame consoles. Some Windows XP casual games are connoted with the operating system itself, like Solitaire and Space Cadet. So... it makes sense to see these sounds on this website. The startup sound is so reminiscent.
It's missing the Windows XP OS install music, the one that plays after you successfully install the OS to your PC.