Aurora Quest (1993)

Despite the box art, the game is family friendly. Thanks, Japan! Anyway, this is a mix of CD audio (tracks 1-15 + 32-33) and native synth (16-31). The CD audio is much better than the synth and has almost a ps1 Final Fantasy sound to it. This includes three vocal tracks (2 + 32-33), the latter two which are Spanish, are good. Overall, 8.67 for the CD Audio, 7.25 for the Turbografx synth.

Personal Favorites:
Breakers Ahead! [13]
Also Good:
The Gard of Aurora [1] (wait til 0:33), All About Us [4], Pray for the Braveman [7], Land Breeze [11], Kiss the Dust [12], Don't Be Anxious! [19], Myself Justice [25],