Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC) (gamerip) (2002)

The audio is terribly loud, and many tracks have a noticeable click when the track repeats. But these things were easy to fix.

However , many of these tracks are ripped improperly. Many of them were apparently saved on the disc in separate files, and instead of piecing them together, each file is saved as its own track and loops individually, including short two-second intros that now just loop several times and fade out.

Very poorly done.
While the OST for Gauntlet: Dark Legacy is top notch, I rate 6/10 due to some serious quality issues in a majority of these rips.
Unless I am losing my mind, it sounds like someone re-uploaded this and in better quality!

Pro ps to whoever did that, I've been looking for a High Quality rip of this OST for a very long time. There is pure power in these tracks...
Someone ripped the audio files, treated each one as if they were a whole track, and looped them with a noticeable popping sound.
Jump straight to "Mount1_1" if you want an easy example of why I rated this soundtrack so low.