Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS) (gamerip) (2014)

*melancholic sighing*...this is the Monster Hunter that introduced me to the world, and where I learned my best skills as a hunter. Either in solo, and how to lend a hand to others.
"Chara". I will never forget that girl who helped me back in 2017 .
We used to be Rath king and queen. She used to be a higher rank than me, and still selflessly helped me from LR 3 to HR 5-6. In one month of summer, i learned everything i could from her and could then join her casual HR team.

...she wasn't there when I joined G-rank, since an error code prevented me from playing with any other online player back then. It appeared suddenly and never left me till today.
She wasn't there when I vanquished Shagaru, i was thanking her and everyone who helped me as i watched the first credits.
She wasn't there when I vanquished Kushala...she wasn't there. We had only known each other for one month.

Later on, I joined the 5th generation on Gen and then XX. That error didn't follow me on XX, so I could play with almost anyone else online.
I've learned to help others as selflessly as she helped me.
I would join halls just to help, i didn't care for anything else.

I hoped I would find her somewhere out there. Never did.
But I'm still thankful for everything in 4U.
My character was named "Arnaud" then.

Always treasure the kind people you meet out there, hunters.
We need to pass down a proper legacy born of our memories to future generations, the kindness and hope we received and we should give. Even when we're not hunting, by just being good individuals.