i finished this game 88 times i feel kinda i must do it everytime pixy in the end says thanks buddy and see you again it just makes crazy and most of people dont believe me idont know where im going with this by the way thanks for songs and add versus missions song too my favourite on is mission 3b contact
hey buddy still alive and thanks friend see you again amazing game goes down in history as one of the best yeah mission 3b contact is amazing listen to the end thanks
i finished this game too much but idont remember how many times but idont think it will be 88 times but every ace combat is like this you just want too finish them countless times thanks for songs but just like other comment where is versus missions song
Hope they make new ace combat series this time instead all countries same english language try diffrent ,like for example
Sapin-Spain ,Belka-Germany ,Ustio-Francs
Osea-USA Yuktobania-Russ ia my opinion
and so on best one ace combat assault horizon ,zero , 6 and 5 in that order
I'm in awe how you put Assault Horizon on the top of your list... Very, very unpopular preference my dude.