New Super Mario Bros. (DS) (gamerip) (2006)

Well well! It looks like the album has been updated since the last time I was here. This rip is much better.

New Soup was the first 2D Mario platformer I've ever beaten, and it has some nostalgic value for me because of that. Good rip, ripper!

Favorite Track: Bob-omb Reversi
I word say The Plains sounded different, the newer 1 for New super Mario bros. Does not sound like it [Sorry i might not played the Ds game so tell me i was right]
no it's about the quality of the song not the name you STOPID
I have many complaints:
1) The names are incorrect Bowser Jr is NOT the same as Koopa Kid.
2) These are not the OST, they were recorded directly from the game, try to get actual songs and not simple in-game recordings.
3) Some of them are too short. Give us the full versions of the songs
you are stupidstupidatupidatupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupid
Some of the Soundtracks don't sound Correct
These have been exported with interpolation which hurts the quality an amount. I've had my own organization for a while but I've been afraid to upload it as it doesn't use the names here (since they aren't official) and it would probably get too much backlash
My 2nd Mario Game of my childhood (my 1st being Mario Kart Wii) so many memories ans yes it may have produced the New Super Mario Bros Series which may be good or bad depends on who you are. But as I didn't care I was just glad have two Nintendo consoles still functioning! And this may not be as held as the most legendary game(mostly because of its legacy) I will cherish DS game in my heart...❤️😍