Pokémon Sound Anime Collection (1998)

This album is missing 5 songs! Go to Youtube and look up Merhawk102. He has the missing songs included in his "Pokémon Anime Sound Collection- Kanto Saga Music" playlist! Last 5 Songs!!!
This is great. Nice to get a hold of pretty much all the anime songs in one place! The pokemon anime always had beautiful music, like "Tears After Cloudy Weather" or some of the battle music. Plus the anime was always nice(though not the most intense anime out there).

Definitely a pokemon fan for life right here.
This is cool! It's just like paradise for me! But sorry, I still feel something is not fit with me. It's pretty hard to know which are the soundtracks, and which are the pokemon opening or ending song. I hope you will fix it :)
Pikachu and caterpi in front of the moon music. I can't find it anywhere. Also where is the one with pikachu and ash saving from the spearows like that other person said. Where's the music when team rocket are stealing the giant vaccum and the music in the battle of graveler vs mistys starmie? Many good musics are missing is this volume one? Is there a volume 2? Still though it brings back so many childhood memories I feel like crying.