Super Mario Galaxy 2's soundtrack is incredible! Like Galaxy One, Galaxy Two goes for a orchestra and god damn is it beautiful. I can't decide if Galaxy Two's soundtrack is better then Galaxy one, but I can say that Galaxy Two is a better game then the first one. The Camera and the power ups are the same as Galaxy One. However, Galaxy Two adds the Cloud Flower which is one of the best Power ups in Mario History. It allows you to make three cloud platforms for you to stand on. Another thing Galaxy Two adds is Yoshi who now eats fruits to do different things like to reveal hidden platforms, make he run really fast, and make him float upwards for a limited time. Unfortunately, you can't bring Yoshi to every Galaxy and you can't Play as Luigi (Well you can't play as him if he's not available in the level). Galaxy Two also has Comet coins you have to collect to unlock more stars and to complete the game. The 100 purple coins return from Galaxy one and thankfully they're only on small galaxies. As for the Galaxies, they're pretty fun and memorable even tho Galaxy Two is also guilty of copying galaxies from the first game and even a level from Super Mario Sunshine. After you beat the game, you unlock the Special world which is Galaxy Two's excuse of reusing things from the first game. After you finish that, you unlock 120 green stars and you have to collect all of those to unlock the Ultimate Galaxy which only has one level. I completed the game a few months ago and I haven't started the second half of the game yet. As for the bosses, they range from decent to pretty damn easy. As for the story, Bowser kidnaps Peach and Mario must go save her for the millionth time. Overall, Super Mario Galaxy Two is a masterpiece that has great galaxies, a beautiful soundtrack, a great power up and Yoshi.
Note: I didn't talk about everything because as I said before, I plan to review the 3D Mario games in the future.
Soundtrack: 9.7/10.
Game: 9.6/10.
I completed the green star run in Super Mario Galaxy 2 and fully completed the game with 242 stars a year and 2 months after I completed the first half of the game back in March 2022. The Ultimate Test really wasn't that hard and it only took me 14 trys to beat it. I even farmed a lot of extra lives up to the maximum amount (99 lives) to prepare for it because I thought it was gonna be really hard and in a way, I was pretty disappointed because it wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. The Ultimate Test would've been very difficult if I completed this game at the age of 11 because I sucked at video games back then. It wasn't difficult to me now because before I did The Ultimate Test, I already beaten hard games like Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship Of Doom, Gradius II, Ghosts N' Goblins, Super Ghouls N' Ghosts, Ecco The Dolphin, Ecco: The Tides Of Time, Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, Contra: Hard Corps, 1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen, Iron Tank, Super Mario Bros 2: The Lost Levels, and Transformers: The Mystery Of Convoy.
So compared to all of those difficult games, The Ultimate Test from Mario Galaxy 2 doesn't even compare.
I honestly wish that other people talked about this game more, like idk it just feels like I've been the only one who's played this game
I honestly wish that other people talked about this game more, like idk it just feels like I've been the only one who's played this game
I hate to burst your bubble, but this game is part of a very popular franchise and not to mention, it came out during the 7th generation of consoles (Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii). Many gamers in Gen Z grow up with the Wii (myself included) and many of those gamers have nostalgia for that period. So, I don't know where you got the idea that no one talks about this game because it's a Mainline 3D Mario game and it's in a very popular series. I would get it if it was a obscure Mario game or even a handheld entry because I often forget the GBA has a Mario Kart Game on it.
I hate to burst your bubble, but this game is part of a very popular franchise and not to mention, it came out during the 7th generation of consoles (Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii). Many gamers in Gen Z grow up with the Wii (myself included) and many of those gamers have nostalgia for that period. So, I don't know where you got the idea that no one talks about this game because it's a Mainline 3D Mario game and it's in a very popular series. I would get it if it was a obscure Mario game or even a handheld entry because I often forget the GBA has a Mario Kart Game on it.
Yeah, true but what I kinda meant to say with it is that Nintendo doesn't really draw attention to it as much as the other 3D Mario games, same thing simular to like 3D Land in a way
Yeah, true but what I kinda meant to say with it is that Nintendo doesn't really draw attention to it as much as the other 3D Mario games, same thing simular to like 3D Land in a way
I forgot that 3D Land even existed. I had a 2DS a few years back and I never had the game because I'll always forget it that it exists.