The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Expanded Video Game Soundtrack (2012)

Thanks to whoever submitted this! It's great and doesn't contain any viruses! (Unlike some places I went to before...) It is nearly entirely complete, but is still awesome
I love especially the Gerduo remix,Eternal Gratitude, and all of Ghirahim's themes. (I am currently very obsessed with him as well as Zant from Twilight Princess)I am hoping to get Skyward Sword for my birthday... which is this Thursday... to play the game as well as listen to this awesome music. :3

-SasukouS ilver
I absolutely adore the game, but the music adds so much more to the atmosphere! I totally recommend downloading the soundtrack.
What a shame, that this is the official soundtrack. There is a specific track I want, but it isn't here. The track that plays when Link finds bugs for Stitch's game is completely gone from the ost. What an actual shame. It's not the uploader's fault at all, but it's gonna have to be nine stars.

Tambien no es que falten canciones, mas bien tienen otro nombre. Por ejemplo Gate of Time es 4-36 Lady of the Sealed Grounds
best sound track in the series, but also the worst game in the series. repeatative fetch quests with zero variety apart from the minecart ride. best dungeons in the series, worst overworld. best story and characters, worst overworld. its a damn shame the overworld sucked so hard considering you spend 90% of your time in it, the game had the potential to be one of the best. people say its because of linearity, but that's not why its bad. its bad because you do the same fetch quest over and over and over again. i honestly have no idea how nintendo screwed it up that hard considering everything else about it was phenomenal. massive waste of potential. hope they completely remake the game with an entirely different overworld design, or that becomes a fan project. as it is currently, i will probably never play the game again.